• Babies + Toddlers,  Pregnancy + Postpartum

    Sample Toddler Daily Routines: 12-20 Months

    Hello friends! Welcome back to my blog! Today I just wanted to throw together a quick post about toddler daily routines. Specifically, these are Josie’s daily routines at 12 months, 14 months, 16 months, and 18/20 months, plus her nighttime routine which has pretty much been the same since she was a little baby.  I am a person who thrives on consistency. When I first brought Josie home from the hospital, my normal day-to-day life was totally flipped upside down. I had an insanely hard time adjusting to the lack of consistency with having a new baby.  Over time, though, I came to recognize Josie’s patterns throughout the day –…

  • About me,  Babies + Toddlers,  Family,  Our PRS + NICU Journey

    Josie’s 20 Month Update

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Hi there everyone! I realized that I haven’t posted a “Josie update” here in awhile. A few people have asked me how Josie is doing nowadays, so I figured it was the perfect time to fill everybody in. Josie is 20 months old! I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by. It feels like yesterday that she was learning to crawl. Now she is running around the house, “reading” books all day, playing pretend, and even helping clean up her toys. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing…

  • Babies + Toddlers,  Mommy,  Pregnancy + Postpartum

    Mega List of Baby Registry Must Haves: PART 2

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Hey everyone! Welcome to part 2 of my MEGA LIST of new mom must-haves! These are all the products I found to be the most useful as a first time mom. It can be so overwhelming to figure out what stuff you’ll need and what you should add to your baby shower registry. These are those products that I wish I had put on my own registry! If you’re pregnant and feeling overwhelmed, hopefully this list will help you out.  To read PART ONE of this list,…

  • Babies + Toddlers,  Mommy,  Pregnancy + Postpartum

    Mega List of Baby Registry Must Haves: PART 1

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. My pregnant friend recently posted on her Facebook asking for recommendations for must-have baby products that she should put on her baby shower registry. It made me think back to creating my own registry, and how overwhelming the process felt. I had never even HELD a baby before my daughter was born… How the heck was I supposed to know what I would need to care for an infant?!  There are just so many baby products on the market now that sometimes it seems impossible to narrow…

  • Adventures,  Babies + Toddlers,  Family

    Josie’s February 2020 Adventure to the Central Florida Zoo

    Happy March everyone! We are already starting MONTH THREE of 2020! As I mentioned in this post, my main goal this year has been to go on more adventures with my daughter. I really want to get out of the house more, and take Josie somewhere fun at LEAST once a month. Unfortunately this plan did NOT pan out in January.  I had scheduled a trip to the Central Florida Zoo – then I threw my back out. So I rescheduled our zoo trip for the following weekend – then I threw my back out AGAIN. (If you couldn’t tell, I have a lot of back issues. I’m basically an…

  • Babies + Toddlers,  Mommy,  Pregnancy + Postpartum

    11 Tips To Soothe Baby Eczema

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. If you’ve ever dealt with baby eczema, you know that it can be a frustrating and exhausting experience for everyone involved. Having an itchy baby is so hard! They’re uncomfortable and sad, and by scratching they can cause further issues like scarring or infection. When Josie was around 2 months old she started to develop red eczema patches on her cheeks. As time went on, the patches spread to her shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, and ankles. It was so itchy and uncomfortable for her. I just wanted…

  • Babies + Toddlers,  Family,  Holidays + Traditions

    How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day With A Young Toddler

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Can you believe it’s already February?! Valentine’s Day is around the corner! I’ve been trying to bring some holiday spirit into my house for every holiday since Josie was born… but honestly, there’s only so much fun you can have with a 1-year-old.  Specifically, Josie will be about 16 months old on Valentine’s Day, and she doesn’t have the attention span (or really the desire) to do any themed activities with me yet. So I’ve been trying to keep things short, simple, and fun.  Heart Shaped Treats…

  • Babies + Toddlers,  Our PRS + NICU Journey

    Cleft Palate Sippy Cup Transition: How To Ditch The Bottle Before Palate Repair

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. For a baby with a cleft palate, one of the most important steps in preparing for palate repair surgery is eliminating the bottle and transitioning to a sippy cup! Josie had to be able to drink all of her liquids from a cup (no bottle!) by the time surgery came around. This is because drinking from the bottle nipple could potentially damage the surgery site (the roof of her mouth).  Since she left the NICU, Josie had been drinking her milk from the Dr. Brown’s specialty feeding…

  • About me,  Babies + Toddlers,  Family,  Our PRS + NICU Journey

    Josie’s 14 Month Update

    Some links may be affiliate links. I may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great 2020 so far. I just wanted to give a little “Josie update” on how things are going with her lately. Josie is now a solid walker and walks everywhere! She LOVES to go outside and pick up any leaf or stick she can find.  Her personality is totally blossoming lately. She is such a happy, silly, fun girl. She loves to be near her mama at all times! She also loves to read books, climb on all…

  • About me,  Babies + Toddlers,  Family,  Holidays + Traditions,  Our PRS + NICU Journey

    Josie’s First Birthday Party and Cleft Palate Repair Surgery

    October was a BIG month for our family. We threw Josie’s first birthday party at our house at the beginning of the month, then a few days later she had palate repair surgery to close the cleft in her palate. We had been anxiously anticipating these two events for literally an entire year. It was completely exhausting, but we are so happy that we have come this far. Birthday time! The first thing we tackled was Josie’s birthday party. It was a big success in my book. Everything turned out just the way I hoped it would, and so many of our favorite people gathered together to celebrate Josie’s first…